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CLV is a Substrate-based DeFi service platform built on Polkadot. Read More
CLV is a Substrate-based DeFi service platform built on Polkadot. CLV provides an easy-to-use interoperable blockchain infrastructure through its extensive support for Ethereum’s EVM based applications and a wide range of implemented developer tools. Through it’s smart core like CLV Scan and CLV multi-chain extension wallet, CLV aims to bring the smoothest and most advanced DeFi experience to its users.Key Highlights:SPV chain simulation Technology: To achieve a new level of interoperability, CLV created a built-in SPV chain simulation technology to enable seamless cross-chain communication and trustless two-way pegs between Turing-complete blockchains and Non-turing-complete blockchains. Learn more.EVM compatibility: Ethereum developers can simply replicate existing dApps and deploy it to CLV using MetaMask, Truffle, Remix, and other familiar development tools. The CLV Developer Incentive Program creates passive income streams for contract developers. By re-parameterizing the gas distribution model to direct gas fees to both network maintainers and dApp builders, CLV seeks to ultimately foster a stronger DeFi ecosystem altogether.Gas fee Innovation: CLV has redesigned freeconomics to allow relayers to act on behalf of the sender where they can cover gas fees in the base currency and receive compensation in the denominated asset. Transaction fees will be deducted directly from the transacted assets. Clover also supports an identity-based gas fee schedule, which allows frequent users to pay a lower gas fee according to their usage of the network.Multi-chain connected walletWith CLV unique "always-on" multi-chain connected wallet, users are able to simultaneously connect with Web3js-based dapps and Polkadotjs-based dapps at the same time, and view their multi-chain assets.All-in-one wallet extensionDeFi users can connect to Ethereum, Polkadot, Kusama, Binance Smart Chain, Avalanche, Fantom, and Edgeware blockchains and seamlessly transact with the CLV wallet extension interface.Clover-native CLV tokenThe CLV token is cross-chain compatible as project's unique 2-way peg bridge technology allows the EVM based CLV address and Polkadot based CLV address to be bounded together, allowing the utilization of all both chains together.CLV TokenOpt-in FeesPay gas fee in CLV, or have the option to pay with any network token.GovernanceLock CLV to elect council members and guide the developement through on-chain governance.ValidationStake CLV to validate the network with your validator infrastructure.TreasuryGet your projects funded from the treasury.NominationStake CLV to nominate your own node validator using a single-click deployment.DeploymentUse CLV to deploy your smart contracts and dApps on Clover.