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unshETH is a decentralized, on-chain movement for improving validator decentralization. Read More
unshETH is a decentralized, on-chain movement for improving validator decentralization. UnshETH's mission is simple — decentralization through incentivization. Through incentive engineering, UnshETH aims to distribute capital across the LSD ecosystem in a manner that prioritizes validator decentralization. LSDfi refers to a new class of DeFi primitives that are built on top of liquid staking derivatives (LSDs) in order to enable markets on staking yields, validator monopolies, slashing risks, and even validator censorship. LSDfi enables use cases such as validator decentralization mining, validator dominance options, interest rate swaps, yield speculation, and efficient risk pricing. These mechanisms allow users to take advantage of the unique properties of liquid staking derivatives, and can similarly be used to improve healthy competition among validators and restrict capture of the consensus layer.