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Swords & Dungeons is a P2E DeFi MMORPG that offers high playability by merging traditional game systems such as PvE, PvP, and GvG with P2E game modes suited for the Web 3. Read More
Swords & Dungeons is a P2E DeFi MMORPG that offers high playability by merging traditional game systems such as PvE, PvP, and GvG with P2E game modes suited for the Web 3.0 era, alongside advanced DAO governance concepts. In this game, players become heroes navigating the complex and dangerous Metaverse, tasked with defeating evil creatures, gaining strength, and mastering powerful Void Powers. By collaborating with other players, they aim to unite the Floating Isles and the lands below, restoring peace to the fractured world of the Void.