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SSV promotes decentralization, security, and liveness across the Ethereum consensus layer and forms the foundation of SSV. Read More
SSV promotes decentralization, security, and liveness across the Ethereum consensus layer and forms the foundation of – a fully decentralized and robust ETH staking network. Using the network will be open and simple for anyone who wants to run an Ethereum validator; from DIY users all the way to staking pools and big institutional staking services. This applies to using the network both as a user or a service provider; regardless of staking configuration, as long as duties are properly executed, anyone is eligible to provide service and reap rewards for doing so.Become a staker (Validator). Distribute your stake across multiple service providers instead of relaying on a single one.fully decentralized network with no single point of failureoffline validator key generation and storagehigher uptime and robustness maintained by vetted operatorsBecome an operator. Run an SSV node and generate revenue by securing stakers in the network.scale fast, optimize security and uptimeNO collateral is required, operators are not exposed to staker's private keyszero-out slashing riskDiscover the SSV Network. Use the explorer to view the stats and rankings of all validators and operators participating in the network.Choose your OperatorsCustomize your validatorOptimize your rewardsSSV Tech. SSV enables a secure way to split a validator key between non-trusting nodes, or operators while maintaining distributed control and activity of an Ethereum validator. SSV, at its heart, is a way to decentralize risk and reduce failures by making individual SSV nodes become a robust network that can outperform any individual staking service in security, robustness, and uptime.