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Discover the Manifold Universe of Polychain MonstersPolychain Monsters exist in many shapes and colours, each differing in unique looks and individual rarity. Read More
Discover the Manifold Universe of Polychain MonstersPolychain Monsters exist in many shapes and colours, each differing in unique looks and individual rarity. There are also ultra-rare variants waiting for you to discover.ColorsPolychain Monsterscome in a variety of colors, each resembling a different hue of the rainbow.GlitterIf you are lucky enough to discover a Polychain Monsters with sparkling glitter, you are in possession of a unique and extremely rare Polychain Monsters.|HornAlthough Polychain Monsters live a peaceful life, they all possess a horn which varies in shape and rarity. There is a mysterious reason for this, yet to be revealed.Ultra RareFrom time to time unique variants of Polychain Monstersappear. These ultra-rare breeds resemble special projects in the Crypto Universe. The Bitcoin Dragon, the rarest Polychain Monsters in existence, was recently discovered.An interconnected Ecosystem of Apps and MarketplacesAs digital collectibles, Polychain Monsters can be utilized by ever growing blockchain-based ecosystems. To accelerate this process Polychain Monsters will exist in native mobile apps and widgets.Delightful AppsAs digital collectibles, Polychain Monsters are of unmatched visual appeal and value. With native mobile apps you can explore and present your collection, buy $PMON tokens and obtain detailed information about the Polychain Monstersuniverse at any given time.Mobile WidgetsAs your unique collection of Polychain Monsters grows in value and variety, keep your most beloved Polychain Monsters always by your side through native mobile widgets.