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Beyond Token (BYN)BYN is the core token on the Beyond protocol and serves as a collateral, governance, and fee payment token within the Beyond ecosystem. Read More
Beyond Token (BYN)BYN is the core token on the Beyond protocol and serves as a collateral, governance, and fee payment token within the Beyond ecosystem.There are several attempts in the market that has tried to create synthetic products through similar mechanism, but these have critical flaws which erodes trust within the synthetic products. These includes:• Low liquidity resulting in high slippage and large spreads• Poor price tracking of synthetic products relative to actual underlying products• High trading costs due to Ethereum network congestion• Poor UI/UX when using exchange• Limited number of assets available for synthetic trade• Lack of expertise in underlying financial productsLIQUIDITY Through Beyond ExchangeBeyond takes an innovative approach of combining the usual Bid/Ask order bookmechanisms with automated market makers to protect users from exploitation.StakeStaked BYN tokens earn aportion of fees from Beyondprotocol as a rewardInvest / RedeemIntuitive frontend interface for users to directly interact with the smart contract with ease to invest or redeem syntheticsTradeAllows users to have exposure to existing traditional assets by buying/selling synthetic assets in the Beyond DEX.LoanAnother way of having access to synthetic assets is by locking ETH and Borrow ETHb or USDb.