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$ 0.050412
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Altura is a decentralized project developed with blockchain technology. Read More
Altura is a decentralized project developed with blockchain technology. It aims to provide the necessary tools and infrastructure required by developers to integrate Smart NFTs into video games and applications. In essence, it allows those with no knowledge of decentralized technologies to easily incorporate digital assets into their own projects.ALU is the platform’s native cryptocurrency.What are Altura’s key features and how does it work?The platform introduces the concept of Smart NFTs. Developers can build and create their own Smart NFTs directly on the platform. They are essentially NFTs that have properties and characteristics that can change depending on a set of conditions being met. For example, a sword in a video game increases strength every time it is used in battle and wins. The platform also features a Digital Asset Marketplace. Users can create collections and items via the marketplace. The marketplace also lets users buy, sell, and sort through the available NFT collections from other projects.The platform features APIs and SDKs with clear documentation to facilitate the quick creation of NFTs. The Altura API is designed to allow developers to engage with the Altura Marketplace. Using the API developers are able to mint and send NFTs.What is noteworthy about Altura?Some of the platform’s key benefits include:Simple integration. Projects within any prior blockchain knowledge can easily create and deploy their own NFTs.Compatibility with multiple chains. Regardless of blockchain, developers can create NFTs for their games and applications.Cross-platform items. This means NFTs can be used within multiple projects. For example, an NFT made for one game can be used and deployed within another blockchain project.What can ALU be used for?ALU can be staked and is compatible with a multitude of wallets.Where can you buy ALU?ALU is available for trading on the following CEXs and DEXs listed here. The most popular platforms with the highest liquidity are Pancake Swap and The price of ALU will vary depending on the choice of exchange and overall market conditions. For up-to-date and historic data for ALU market price, please view the price charts on this page.