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$ 0.008227
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UNICE is not just another emotion analysis service. Read More
UNICE is not just another emotion analysis service. It boasts a team composed of medical professionals from Chung-Ang Medical University, AI and blockchain researchers, and data specialists from Chung-Ang University. At its core, UNICE's AI, Dr. AU, offers precise emotion analysis, suggesting healthy emotional management techniques while continuously learning from the data.UNICE's AI, Dr. AU, uses a vast medical database built on expert medical knowledge and an extensive medical network. Through continuous feedback and observations, the service evolves, providing a personalized experience reminiscent of having a professional medical team by your side.Furthermore, UNICE places high importance on user data ownership in line with the philosophy of web3. Contrasting the traditional centralized data ownership structures, UNICE employs the WEB 3 method, prioritizing user data rights and its intrinsic value. This data, more than just mere information, is secured with blockchain and NFT technology. Any value derived from it is transparently shared with the user, embodying the genuine essence of WEB 3.