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IntroductionThe Solanium platform is a decentralized platform on the Solana blockchain. Read More
IntroductionThe Solanium platform is a decentralized platform on the Solana blockchain. The platform will introduce decentralized fundraising, time-weighted token staking and governance voting to the Solana ecosystem. We are giving high priority to both UI and UX, as we think good UI is one of the core principles that are currently lacking or not prioritized in the ecosystem. We feel that this is one of the most important factors to onboard new(bie) users to the Solana ecosystem. The platform will be an all-in-one solution for Solana, with integrated wallet, DEX and transaction management. All major Solana wallets will be supported. The platform will extend any connected wallet with inline wallet management. The user does not have to leave the platform to see token balances, send or receive tokens or manage token accounts. Experienced users can still manage their wallet through their wallet provider, and any changes will directly be reflected on the platform.TradeThe first phase of the platform will be launching a custom GUI for the Serum DEX. Finalized pools can immediately create a Serum market and start trading on the permission-less DEX.There are currently many hosted front-ends available to trade on Serum, but they are all based on, or forked from, the Serum repository. Solanium will provide a custom Serum GUI, built from scratch. Which will support several key features such as a custom grid, transaction manager, rich data display fetched from the Serum API and partners and will be fully responsive and dynamic.StakingSLIM tokens are lockable for a selectable locktime, with a maximum locktime of 1 year. By locking SLIM tokens in the staking contract, the user will receive a xSLIM balance. xSLIM tokens are not transferrable.The height of the xSLIM balance is based on the amount of SLIM tokens locked, and the time left before the tokens unlock. The xSLIM balance is linearly decreasing since the time of lock. The SLIM tokens locked can not be withdrawn before the timelock has expired. However, it is possible to extend the timelock or increase the amount of staked SLIM tokens.xSLIM token qualifies the user for fee distribution, voting rights and exclusive or early pool access.PoolsThe core function of the platform will be Solanium Pools. On Solanium Pools, anyone with a Solana wallet can create a pool to distribute a SPL token. We will provide an easy to use UI, where users can set-up their pool with just a few clicks. The UI will also have the option to create the SPL token for the user, if the user did not deploy a SPL token yet.The team will still manage the front-end, and has the possibility to filter and feature certain pools, but anyone can create a pool on the Solana blockchain and create an own UI to interact with it.Every pool has a fixed percentage of fees that go to the xSLIM token holders and to the Governance Treasury. Public pools will first be opened to xSLIM holders, who get an allocation based on their holding, before opening up to the general public. Pool creators will be incentived to prioritize xSLIM holders.GovernanceThe first phase of the Governance will be a mix between a centralized solution and blockchain voting. There will be a centralized app, where users can sign with their wallet and cast a vote. The votes will be saved in the database of the application. This can be compared to Snapshot for Ethereum projects.We will slowly convert this to fully decentralized application with on-chain voting. The reason behind releasing a semi-decentralized solution first, is because we want to capture community engagement as soon as possible. The application will be open to other Solana projects, that are able to create their own environment on there. The governance will be in charge of the Solanium Treasury. The vote-weight of a user is based on the amount of xSLIM tokens the user has at the time of casting the vote.