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BUSINESS MODELRealFevr’s business model is composed of various moving parts. Read More
BUSINESS MODELRealFevr’s business model is composed of various moving parts. Not only can Fans play free fantasy leagues and token leagues, but also purchase Video Collectibles packs that will award them unique IP-protected digital soccer NFTs. To acquire and trade these forever lasting soccer moments fans need to use RealFevr’s token, FEVR.FIRST PACK REVENUE SHAREAfter possessing FEVR tokens in their Binance Smart Chain address, fans can acquire digital collectibles packs.The fee distribution per account will be the follow: 50% for Right Holders, 40% locked for a unspecified amount of time and 10% for RealFevr.FEES & ROYALTIESAll RealFevr Digital Collectibles marketplace transactions will incur a maximum 5% fee. Loyalty programs will be implemented to reward fans who buy and sell on a recurring basis. Additionally, RealFevr incorporates a perpetual royalty to all right-holders, which is negotiated case by case and is fixed to all transactions after the first sale. This way, we protect and reward the official intellectual property (IP) of right-holders.SUBSCRIPTIONSFans who wish to receive packs on a recurring basis, may lock FEVR tokens in a specified smart contract that will award them a number of packs per drop. Hence, instead of waiting in queue at each drop, or to avoid missing packs every time there is a new drop, fans can adopt the subscription model. The price for each subscription depends on the number of spots available.BORROWING & LENDINGInstead of just selling the digital asset in the marketplace, fans can borrow and lend video collectibles from and to other fans.When a fan lends a video collectible, he will get extra FEVR tokens. When a fan borrows a video collectible, he will pay FEVR tokens to the other fan. However, because the asset is returned to the original owner, the amount charged will be much more affordable.CLUBS LAUNCHPADAny club can join the RealFevr ecosystem and deploy their own collectibles that will immediately trade in the FEVR marketplace and get exposure to all marketplace users.There is no cost associated with this service as we believe in decentralization and empowering organizations, especially at such a dire time, when clubs are facing a shortage of revenue related to the pandemic restrictions.IN-GAME VIDEO COLLECTIBLESWithin the RealFevr ecosystem, collectibles will be used in-game, to get bonus points, power ups and boost for the players in each fans’ fantasy teams, i.e. , collectibles will award extra points to fantasy league teams.This way, RealFevr effectively becomes the first widely adopted fantasy league platform to use unique digital collectibles as an economic incentive within the game, to reward players and fans for participating.FANTASY LEAGUESThere are two types of leagues: free leagues and token leagues. In free leagues, players can pay a subscription to boost their team. In token leagues fans will be able to wager FEVR tokens. Therefore, RealFevr’s business model covers the more traditional subscription-based and advertising channels revenue model, as well as the nouveau cryptocurrency revenue channel by charging a wagering fee.