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Playermon is a boundless Play to Earn Game where anyone can explore and battle in the universe with their favorite space companions called Playermons. Read More
Playermon is a boundless Play to Earn Game where anyone can explore and battle in the universe with their favorite space companions called Playermons. Players are able to colonize planets, earn resources, and battle other players with their Playermons. Playermon Planet platform provides another extensive gateway to creators and artists to publish their diverse games in playermon planet, An integrated social platform for the Gamefi projects creator to launch mini-games our playermon galaxy and planet. Not all planets are created equal, some are more resourceful than others and some might contain underground dungeons for the player to explore. However, before gaining access to any of the mentioned, Planet owners should invite scholars and other players to explore their planet. Once the players obtain their own planet, they can start mining for any resources node. In addition, players can cross-planet mining among planets. However, the player is required to build an interplanetary scanner to check planets near to their location.