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$ 0.326882
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Paladin is a decentralized, non-custodial governance lending protocol where users can either loan the voting power in their governance token, or borrow some voting power. Read More
Paladin is a decentralized, non-custodial governance lending protocol where users can either loan the voting power in their governance token, or borrow some voting power. Depositors stake governance tokens or derivatives that grant voting power in exchange for yield, while borrowers can leverage their voting power to gain more influence temporarily. PalPools are the main component of the Protocol. Each PalPool is independent and holds its own underlying ERC20 governance token. Users can deposit the underlying token in the PalPool, receiving an amount of PalToken representing their share in the PalPool, and receive part of the fees of the PalPool.Warden allows veCRV holders to generate revenue from their boosts and gauge votes. This allows LPs to maximize their CRV multipliers and DAOs to capture more emissions for their pools.