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Octopus Protocol, a robust DeFi protocol built on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC), allows issuance, trade, and management of decentralized derivative assets. Read More
Octopus Protocol, a robust DeFi protocol built on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC), allows issuance, trade, and management of decentralized derivative assets.Affordable SolutionThe protocol facilitates affordable solutions for the creation of synthetics by reducing the collateral amount. The inherent mechanism lowers costs with minimal usage of oracles.Trustless ArchitectureA DeFi protocol powered by smart contracts, its inherent infrastructure eliminates trust barriers for trade and settlement of derivatives.Community DrivenBuilt and governed by the community of OPS token holders to enable a fairly distributed and decentralized infrastructure.Limitless PossibilitiesBuild tokens that track the price of any asset in real time. Create customizable financial contracts comprising multiple assets.Octopus Protocol EcosystemTRADE DERIVATIVESTRADE DERIVATIVESGain unlimited exposure to several instruments from multiple derivative assets such as stocks, bonds, equities, digital assets, futures - raised as tokenized assets. Trade derivatives with tight spreads, low margin requirements, and innovative hedge instruments with no liquidation risks.TRUSTLESS ARCHITECTUREExchange synthetic assets leveraging the seamless features of a traditional exchange platform in a peer-to-peer, transparent, and trustless architecture.MANAGE ASSETSManage all your assets and positions from Octopus’ non-custodial wallet so that the control of your funds remains in your hands. Track your trading history and overall portfolio balance from your wallet.MINIMAL TRADING FEESTrade decentralized derivative assets with low fees and industry-grade standards along with deep liquidity.COLLATERALOctopus offers affordable solutions to create synthetic assets tracking prices in real-time. Manage your collateral with a user-friendly and intuitive trading platform.STAKINGEarn OPS tokens for providing liquidity to the Octopus ecosystem. On our leading decentralized exchange (DEX), you can earn an APY as high as 220%* by participating in the Octopus network. For instance, stake global companies stocks like Tesla and receive annual returns of up to 220%ASSET MANAGEMENTDECENTRALIZED NETWORKOctopus provides a transparent way to settle synthetic assets on its exchange platform by connecting asset managers to investors in a decentralized and peer-to-peer infrastructureASSET MANAGERSAsset managers can create their own baskets and get users to join their portfolio strategies.TESTED TOOLSGet first-hand access to expert-tested asset management tools and infrastructure to create, rebalance, and manage your crypto portfolio.TRACK HISTORYUsers can analyze trading records and track the history of asset managers before investing their funds into baskets.DIVERSIFYCustomize and diversify your cryptocurrency portfolio by including multiple assets as per your own preferred trading strategy.BINANCE SMART CHAIN (BSC)To enhance scalability, Octopus Protocol uses the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) blockchain network for the creation and management of synthetic assets.SOCIAL TRADINGEXPERT INSIGHTSGather insights from leading experts with a successful track record of trading.PREFERRED TRADESFollow the trading patterns of your preferred trader in real time.NOVICE TRADER TOOLBeginners can access first-hand expert trades by following the trading patterns of experienced traders.TRANSPARENCYOctopus Protocol offers complete transparency on the performance of collective strategies, how they are set up, and operated.CUSTODYWith Octopus, you are always in control of your assets at all times. It facilitates a non-custodial way of storing and exchanging decentralized derivatives.SECURITYOctopus provides an intuitive, low-cost, and secure way of setting your account and following the trading patterns of expert investors.OPTIONS TRADINGASSETS EXPOSUREOptions trading allows a trader the exposure towards different assets without the requirements of buying or selling the asset.HEDGINGMinimize the price risk of assets against a change in market conditions by pre-determining the buy or sell rate of an asset within a time frame.24/7 TRADINGOctopus enables a 24/7 global trading platform with features of real-time auditing, liquidation, and risk management.INDUSTRY-GRADE SERVICESSettle options contracts on Octopus with best-class services including a competitive rate for settlement fees, which is a small portion of the underlying asset value.SWAP SYNTHETIC ASSETSThe decentralized environment of Octopus ensures that there are no restrictions on trading pairs. Any synthetic asset can be swapped for another without any limitations.MINIMAL REQUIREMENTSA decentralized exchange, Octopus carries no requirements for users to submit their identification documents, places any limits on withdrawals, and allows all trading operations in a non-custodial manner.