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Molecule is part of a nascent movement called decentralized science (DeSci) that emerged from web3It's this idea of trying to take an industry that is anti-collaborative and monopolistic and figure out a way to open that to a broader group of people who have the most skin in the gameMolecule aims to build this ecosystem through its platform, a marketplace for researchers to list projects which are non-fungible tokens (NFTs) intended to signal intellectual property. Read More
Molecule is part of a nascent movement called decentralized science (DeSci) that emerged from web3It's this idea of trying to take an industry that is anti-collaborative and monopolistic and figure out a way to open that to a broader group of people who have the most skin in the gameMolecule aims to build this ecosystem through its platform, a marketplace for researchers to list projects which are non-fungible tokens (NFTs) intended to signal intellectual property. Current projects on the platform include a Newcastle University study into molecular aging and a University of Copenhagen project into longevity. These projects receive funding via DAOs, usually in a stablecoin such as USDC