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MOBLAND is a free play-to-earn action-adventure RPG game in which the players acquire, manage, trade, and expand their empires and syndicates. Read More
MOBLAND is a free play-to-earn action-adventure RPG game in which the players acquire, manage, trade, and expand their empires and syndicates. Players can grind in daily events, PvE, PvP, and Syndicate events such as cross-chain Mafia wars.The Mafia-as-a-DAO (MaaD) consists of leaders on the High Table that manage the governance committee. Users are incentivized and Syn City revenue is generated by the MaaD system.Players stake $SYN to generate $sPOWER and delegate that to the syndicate leaders. There are unlimited syndicates with unlimited leaders, but only top 7 leaders with the most $sPOWER will be allowed to join the High Table to manage the governance committee which shapes the earnings events and allocate the earnings pool.Syndicate leaders could offer benefits in assets, special events, and many others to the members of their syndicates for recruitment, engagement and loyalty.Syndicate leaders can tax their members for the benefits offered. The Syn City then platform charges a tax to the syndicates, out of which a portion goes to the overall community as Universal Basic Income (UBI), rest goes to the developers.SYN is the governance token for the metaverse and core of the Mafia-as-a-DAO system. Users stake $SYNR to generate votes to delegate to any syndicate leaders. A limited number of the highest voted leaders will be on the High Table to govern the earning pools of the metaverse.