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Holo is a blockchain-based project that operates as an open-source market for P2P applications. Read More
Holo is a blockchain-based project that operates as an open-source market for P2P applications. The technology is based on cloud storage infrastructure and allows developers to create applications and deploy them onto Holo’s own blockchain, the Holochain. Thanks to its unique architecture, Holochain is able to scale, remain secure, and reward participants for helping to validate transactions.The network consists of the Holochain, a dedicated infrastructure for building decentralized applications and the HOT token, the platform’s native cryptocurrency. HOT has a total supply of 177,619,433,541. What are Holo’s key features and how does it work?The Holochain allows developers to create and launch P2P apps, known as hApps within the ecosystem. It uses a unique hashing function that differs from more traditional variants to verify transactions. For example, Holo does not use staking or mining.Instead, the network consists of local source chains rather than one central chain. Each source chain produces transactions that need to be verified by only one node. The data for each transaction is then sent to other nodes to double-check the validity of the verification.This differs from more common blockchain infrastructures where the entire transaction record must be replicated by nodes in order to validate and secure a network. This results in significantly fewer computational resources being needed, and thus a more sustainable blockchain.Anyone can become a host for the Holo network. Network participants can host and run P2P applications and receive rewards in the form of HoloFuel. What can HOT be used for?The HoloChain network has a broad range of use cases as many types of applications can be built on top. This includes social networks, supply chains, rating systems, collective intelligence platforms such as governance and workflows, as well as collaborative use cases, such as forums and discussion boards.Where can you buy HOT?HOT is available for trading on the following CEXs and DEXs listed here. The most popular platforms with the highest liquidity are Binance,, Probit, and The price of HOT will vary depending on the choice of exchange and overall market conditions. For up-to-date and historic data for HOT market prices, please view the price charts on this page.