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H2O is the world's first decentralized traffic distribution platform that adopts DAO governance, and also provides community members with the latest blockchain industry information and industry benefits. Read More
H2O is the world's first decentralized traffic distribution platform that adopts DAO governance, and also provides community members with the latest blockchain industry information and industry benefits. The platform will not only help community members enjoy the dividends of industry development, spread the spirit of decentralization, and shape brand value, but also help the growth of the entire blockchain ecosystem.Token ApplicationH2O is the governance token of H2O DAO, and holders can vote on governance proposals issued by the community by weighting them according to the number of tokens they hold.H2O is the platform token of H2O DAO, and holders can receive the airdrop benefits of third-party cooperation projects by holding H2O tokens as a certificate.H2O is the platform token of H2O DAO, and holders can join specific channels in community media by holding H2O tokens as a certificate. In this channel, community members will share industry information and industry knowledge, so that community members can understand and learn.H2O is the platform token of H2O DAO. Holders can use H2O tokens to obtain NFT priority casting rights for third-party cooperation projects.