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A fantasy NFT style play to earn card game where fantasy meets reality game playPlay to Earn Model:All Gem guardian players that complete battles and adventure will obtain Aura and Gpay token as a reward. Read More
A fantasy NFT style play to earn card game where fantasy meets reality game playPlay to Earn Model:All Gem guardian players that complete battles and adventure will obtain Aura and Gpay token as a reward.Gpay tokens could be sold on Dex, CEX, or GemGuardian marketplace and auctionsP2P live battles where both parties can put wager of Gpay tokens. Winner takes all.Small fee is charged to obtain a Loot box with a mystery gift. Rare cards could be obtained where it will be 100x the players initial investment.High APR staking pools can be used to obtain interest when staking Gemg and Gpay tokensNFT Marketplace:A beautifully designed and comprehensively built section of the ecosystem where buy, sell, and auctions of all Guardian and Dragons can be transacted. All nfts are categorized as Guardian, Dragon, Element, and Rarity. There is 6 elements; rare, fire, earth, wood, ice, and steel. There are 3 guardians; sir bors de ganis, dagonet, and anrca. Also 4 types of dragons; longwei, khalessi, wyvren, and scylla.GemGuardian NFT Collection are original, authentic and extremely rare. Owners of GemGuardian NFT Collection can decide to either hold on and use it in the game or sell it in the marketplace and auctions. The market price of the cards depends on their rarity of the NFT. Owners also have the right to integrate them into artwork and other crypto related products to increase their value.Token Economy:Gemg: the governance token of Gemguardian. Utility include governance, voting, staking, and purchasing lootbox.