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Gamestarters is a blockchain-based crowdfunding platform that helps indie game developers to fundraise by pre-selling unique in-game assets in the form of NFTs. Read More
Gamestarters is a blockchain-based crowdfunding platform that helps indie game developers to fundraise by pre-selling unique in-game assets in the form of NFTs. Additionally, Gamestarter provides a marketplace to trade digital assets from successfully launched games. Gamestarter's platform economy will run on GAME Coin ('GAME'), which will power all transactions on the platform as well as referral bonuses and reward programs.Gamestarter will:Provide developers with advantageous funding opportunities. Developers will be able to fundraise while retaining full equity and IP.Introduce new revenue streams for gamers and developers alike.Establish a Rich Token-Based Economy. Powering referral bonuses, digital goods, reward programs, and more.Provide effective marketing tools by giving developers access and exposure to the StartNFT community.MARKET STRATEGYGamestarters has a dedicated allocation of $500,000 to KOLs, which were carefully selected to help with the marketing and community development.It is negotiating with a few prominent marketing agencies, who will handle PR, advertising & community management.They will form partnerships with other NFT-based projects and indie game development studios.They will introduce affiliate programs and reward systems.NFTs in the gaming ecosystemGames are probably the only sustainable implementation of NFTs:Game items are massive economies.Game items are often non-fungible digital items with a utility: skins for showing off or celebrating, weapons for combat, resources for creation, unique trading cards etc.Game items are heavily adopted among the global game economy; a $160 billion business that grows by 10% or more every year.Game items are a form of investment. They are an entire asset class that is far bigger than all current NFT marketplaces put together.Game items have sold for hundreds of thousands of dollars, and often goes up in value as the game gains traction.