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The ProductsSmart Order Routing EngineAudited DEXs: Utilizes a pre-selected set of established and battle-tested DEXs. Read More
The ProductsSmart Order Routing EngineAudited DEXs: Utilizes a pre-selected set of established and battle-tested DEXs.Multiple Order Types: Processes both Limit and Market orders.Advanced Execution Quality Optimization:Optimizes the order execution quality (e.g. slippage and order failure minimization) by continuously assessing th quality of each trading pair and fees on each DEX.Splits the order in multiple legs and routes to the highest quality pool.Uses proprietary algorithm for order path optimization in search for further improvements in execution quality.Further employs cheap internal matching for offsetting limit orders.TokenThe actors of the deFIRE ecosystem are defined in relation to order flow and CWAP tokens: 1. Order flow originators: these are entities who originate order flow, and chose to trade through deFIRE. These include traders, large and small, brokers of all kinds as well as referral agents. 2. Third-party execution venues: these are the entities that deFIRE routes the orders sourced from originators to. In simpler terms, these are predominantly DEXs (or, potentially, in the future other routers). 3. Pool originators: entities that own assets that they use to list the said assets on a third-party execution venue in a permissionless setting or otherwise. Listing an asset on a DEX boils down to opening a liquidity pool, hence the name ‘pool originators’. 4. deFIRE serves as a middleware between traders and other orderflow originators who seek best execution and third-party execution venues who offer liquidity against orders sent their way.