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Compendium.Fi features:1. Centralized Exchange Tool AggregationCompendium.Fi currently provides a full product suite that enables our users to benefit from trading tools and strategies usually reserved for larger enterprise entities. By attacking this solution as a SaaS platform and third-party marketplace integration we can efficiently scale through the addition of community IP and first-party involvement while remaining fully transparent. Verified Strategy MarketplaceAllows algorithmic strategy authors to monetize their intellectual property without sacrificing important information.Signal Provider ServiceSignal Provider Groups allow traders, fund managers, algo-strategy authors and more to all create their own signal-based automated trading strategy on CompendiumFi. Copy Trading GroupsInstead of depending on receiving coded signals, users can run trading groups through WebSockets or follow other groupsPortfolio ManagerView connected portfolios and instantly convert assets or choose to use preselected asset baskets.2. Expansion into Decentralized FinanceThe creation of the Solana ecosystem, along with Project Serum, has provided new functionalities making the addition of our trading suite applicable to DeFi standards. Trustless cross-chain trading in a speed efficient and inexpensive manner now allows Compendium.Fi to expand into new decentralized environments.Spot MarketsSimple Swap AggregatorSolana Enterprise ToolboxNFT/Metaverse CollectionBlock Explorer and Token Statistics PanelExpansion of DeFi tools in Phase 2 & 3 Includes:Asset Staking Interface & Validator NetworkOn-chain Automated Trading Pools & BasketsBuilt-In Portfolio ManagementIsolated Futures Markets In Partnership With Other ProjectsBorrowing And Lending InfrastructureStrategy Creator Interface SDK & APIMarket Making & Serum Charting API