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$ 0.003796
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Circular is a 4th Generation layer 1 blockchain designed to address the typical limitation of the previous generations L1s and to support healthcare, DeFi and GameFi applications. Read More
Circular is a 4th Generation layer 1 blockchain designed to address the typical limitation of the previous generations L1s and to support healthcare, DeFi and GameFi applications.This project was conceived with the aim of finding data auditing technologies suitable for medical records and clinical trials. At Circular, team have designed and will continue to innovate upon a 4th generation Layer 1 blockchain. Circular design is inherently tailored to fulfill the majority of the regulatory requirements within the healthcare industry and can easily adapt to unmet needs with minimal development effort. Furthermore, team are implementing features that support adoption in other industries, including DeFi and GameFi, which team believe will be crucial in the near future. As a 4th generation Layer 1 blockchain, Circular are committed to simplifying the user and developer experience.