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Centaurify aims to empower the Artists & Organizers and provide monetization on secondary market, reducing ticket scalping and stopping ticket fraud. Read More
Centaurify aims to empower the Artists & Organizers and provide monetization on secondary market, reducing ticket scalping and stopping ticket fraud.They allow organizers to mint their own NFT-tickets, setting their rules of the smart-contract tokenomics to reward themselves, their artists & their audience on every transaction on the secondary market.They allow organizers to set maximum re-sale price to prevent scalping.Organizers will secure their audience by using Centurify. NFT-tickets are 100% traceable and are impossible to counterfeit.Artists gets fixed 2% automated reflection on every NFT-Ticket transaction from Centaurify.Artists can sell NFT-albums and other NFT-collectables in marketplace.Artists & Organizers can sell on a platform via fiat on-ramps. Fiat will automatically be converted into Centaurify token to fuel the tokenomics