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Skyrim Finance is the First Multichain Decentralized Structured Finance Protocol for Fixed-rate and Leveraged-yield DeFi Products. Read More
Skyrim Finance is the First Multichain Decentralized Structured Finance Protocol for Fixed-rate and Leveraged-yield DeFi Products.Skyrim Finance aims to build the Robo-Advisor of DeFi ecosystem.The DeFi market consists of two types of DeFi investors. Fixed-rate APY: There are many crypto holders seeking for the fixed-rate APY without standard risk.Leveraged APY: There are many yield farmers seeking higher yield farming APY with high leverage.FeaturesMultiple Structured Financial ProductsSkyrim Finance is ultimately an ecosystem of DeFi products with risk-adjusted return. We will use a multitude of strategies to optimise yield through both fixed APY vaults and yield farming opportunities.Interoperability through NFTsSkyrim Finance represents deposits and bonds using ERC-721 standard NFT (non-fungible tokens). This means that users can transfer them assets between accounts, and also wrap tokens to add to the feature set.Self-evolving and Community-basedToken holders can propose and vote on upgrades and management of the platform. Like other ecosystems, larger holders will have more voting power. The project doesn't earn any fees from the services or contract interactions.Built on ETH, BSC and PolkadotSkyrim Finance will firstly be built on Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain. The Skyrim Finance V2 is planned to be integrated onto Polkadot using the Substrate Framework. The project will support DeFi multichain interoperability.