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$ 0.522221
MuesliSwap is a new decentralized exchange (DEX) on the Cardano blockchain that enables you to trade your favorite Cardano tokens. Read More
MuesliSwap is a new decentralized exchange (DEX) on the Cardano blockchain that enables you to trade your favorite Cardano tokens. Backed by a newly developed token swapping protocol, MuesliSwap aims to become the go-to DEX on Cardano. MuesliSwap applies the order book model used by traditional stock exchanges to the blockchain, providing crypto traders with features like limit orders. MuesliSwap distinguishes two types of users, traders and matchmakers. Traders place orders (buy or sell) using the web interface. One order is selling a certain amount of token at a certain price, or alternatively buy a certain amount of tokens for a given price. Upon confirming the trade with a Cardano wallet (such as Nami), the order is locked in a smart contract on the blockchain as a EUTxO. A matchmaker constantly scans the blockchain for open buy and sell orders. When such matching orders are found, the matchmaker executes a transaction, fulfilling the order and sending the assets to the respective parties. For this, the matchmaker obtains a small fee.MILK is the official governance and utility token of MuesliSwap on Cardano.