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$ 0.020707
Hcash is Australia's first public blockchain project to have successfully launched an ICO (as Hshare), which took place in July 2017. Read More
Hcash is Australia's first public blockchain project to have successfully launched an ICO (as Hshare), which took place in July 2017. Now it is actively traded on multiple exchanges and has received overwhelming support and acceptance from blockchain enthusiasts and professionals all over the world for its innovation and practicality.Hcash was born to overcome current limits of existing blockchain technology through its ability to link different blockchain systems. In simple terms, it will allow for transactions of both data as well as value (money) to occur between systems that currently cannot readily exchange both with ease. By bridging the limits between different blockchains and securing information through encryption, we believe Hcash brings forth greater room for growth and opportunity.Hcash is utilizing technical innovation from the Hyperchain technology company who has partnered with Monash University, Hong Kong Polytechnic University and Shanghai Jiao Tong University to develop its technology including: Zero Knowledge Proof technology and our Proof of Work and Proof of Stake model. Additionally, Hcash has partnered with four leading quantum computing and cryptography experts who are actively working on implementing quantum resistant technology in Hcash.HSR token was swapped to HC